Sunday, April 29, 2018

Getting Ready for Softball

Square to Square S2S

Well, I ran to Fayetteville this morning. I like to say that, which is probably the only reason I choose to run the unofficial Square to Square marathon. We run from Bentonville Square to Fayetteville Square. I ran the first half by myself and the second half I ran with Holly. I finished just over four hours-- 19th overall and 4th in women. And, didn't loose my shoe in the creek this year!

5:30 in the morning at Bentonville Square

Holly putting her shoes on after we crossed the creek

Holly and I at the Fayetteville Square

Jack's Baseball Pictures-Springdale Tournament

One of the mom's on Jack's team takes these pictures each year. She got some really great photos! They played in the Battle of the Beast in Springdale. They lost their first two pool play games. Jack had one strike out, one walk and one RBI in the first game. He had one ground out, one walk and one run in the second game. In the bracket play, they lost to the number one seed that ended up winning the whole tournament. The team did very well defensively, but the other team out-hit us. We lost 8-4, Jack had two ground outs.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Teacher for the Day

 We won the teacher for a day auction at our school in February for our friend, Melissa McCarty that teachers middle school social studies. All the teachers were auctioned off and so it was a "Kids take over the school" day. Jack loved every bit of it. He borrowed a "cool" tie from Mr. Martin and his buddy was the principal so the teachers lounge was filled with a ton of snacks and treats. He taught about our trip to Washington D.C. to each of the classes. He also gave out some fake detention slips--one to Mrs. McCarty for interrupting his lesson! He also fave one to each of the girls for running in the hall. Kate almost cried...He already said he wants to do it again next year!