Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Four Month Check-Up

The girls had their four month check up today, which means they got shots--four to be exact plus the oral rotavirus. Yikes! It was slightly harder than their two month appointment because we split up the shots the first time. All three girls were excellent during their exams. In fact, all three were flirting with Dr. Kaczor! They were all smiles and he got through all the histories and physicals without any tears. Then the nurse came in...Anna went first. She cried pretty hard during and after the shots and I picked her up right away, but she kept whimpering for a while after she was done. It was the saddest cry/whimper I have ever heard from her. Elizabeth went next and she, well, as you can probably expect, screamed really loud. Madeleine picked her up and she settled down fairly quickly. Kate was last. She didn't cry until shot #3--what a tough little girl! She didn't take much to settle down either. I was still holding Anna, and she was still letting out little whimpers and little screams at this point. We quickly dressed them and got out of there! All three girls slept the majority of the day today. All those shots make them tired! Other than the shots, all three checked out great. They are growing fine, but still not on the charts. Anna is 7 lbs. 15 oz., 22 inches (she is really close to the 3rd percentile for length) and her head is 38 cm. Kate is 7 lbs. 3.5 oz., 21 inches and her head is 37 cm. Elizabeth is 7 lbs., 21 inches and her head is 38 cm. I am already not looking forward to their six month appointment.

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