Happy Birthday to our little boy! Jack turned three today and he brings us so much love and joy. We can't even believe how fast he is growing up. It seems he has done a lot of this growing up in the last few months! Here is what he is doing these days!
* Jack loves to sing--all day and even sometimes during the night. He loves Skinnamarink and Where is Thumpkin, but also sings ABCs, Ice Cream Shop and others
* Jack loves the Polar Express and will watch it at least once a day. When I say watch it, I mean it plays on the TV, but he doesn't sit and watch the entire movie. If you ask him what it is about, he knows, so he must be paying attention to bits and pieces of it! He also will watch the Leap Frog videos, but won't sit for the entire video either.
* Jack goes to preschool on Wednesday and Fridays for two hours and talks about other children in his class and his teachers.
* Jack loves Candy Land, although he doesn't play it correctly. He likes to pass out the people and cards to those who are "playing" with him and he keeps 95% of them for himself. This drives my five year old nephew crazy because he just wants to play the game.
* Jack loves to play with his play food and likes to get out my real pans and plates to make Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Dinner.
* Jack loves to help cook and bake anything with me in the kitchen.
* Jack does a soccer class by himself on Saturday mornings.
* Jack knows how to spell his first and last name, knows his street name and city he lives in and his phone number including area code. We never taught him these things, just something he picked up on his own.
* Jack loves to play with PlayDuh and loves to paint
* Jack loves to play with his strollers and push them all around the house filled with play food, cars, and other toys.
* Jack loves to play hide-and-go-seek. He is just learning this game and will tell the seeker where he is as soon as they finish counting. Sometimes his hiding place is sitting on the couch with one pillow on top of him. He also will hide in the same spot multiple times in a row.
* Jack loves his Bellas (two bears given to him when he was born--one was the original one named Bella and one was a spare one in case we ever lost Bella. Over the years he has become known as Bella's Brother and has become almost as important as Bella. Although they are the same bear, Bella is slightly more worn and Jack can tell you which is which with his eyes close. He would never go to sleep without them.) Both Bellas go to preschool with him, although they don't come out of his book bag anymore.
* Jack loves to pick out his clothes the night before. Since all his winter clothing is hanging in the closet, I am constantly putting away shorts and short sleeved T-shirts that he has placed out to wear from his dresser drawers.
* Jack loves baths and PJs. He will put his PJs on as early as one in the afternoon on some days. At the very least, they are on as soon as it gets dark which is around 4 pm these days. He also loves his robe and will insist he sleeps in it some nights.
* Jack knows his ABCs, can count past 20 (although he skips number 16 always) and knows the sounds all the letters make
* Jack is fascinated with unlocking cars and constantly asks which car we are going to drive-- the van or dad's car? This is usually the first question for me when I pick him up for school.
* Jack loves to play with other kids and has recently done very well doing this without me having to be there with him all the time.
* Jack hates the cold and cries when snow gets on his hands (Just like my brother Neil, when he was a little boy)
* Jack loves his baby sisters and prays for them each night along with many other friends and relatives. He knows quite a few prayers and insists we say each one every night, Our Father, Hail Mary, Angel of God, Blessed Our Lord, and Glory Be. When we leave the room, we tell him to say them to himself while going to sleep and we can hear him reciting them downstairs, which puts smiles on our faces. Some nights he will start singing before he falls asleep. He will also wake up and begin to sing before getting out of bed.
We love our little boy to the fullest!! Happy Birthday Jack! He had a fun day with his Aunt Sarah and Uncle John who are visiting us for a few days before driving to Fort Wayne, IN tomorrow for Christmas. He doesn't get to see them much because they live in Houston! They took him to the Children's Museum today downtown and he loved every minute of the attention he got! Here are a few pictures of our three year old.
By the Christmas Tree
* Jack loves to sing--all day and even sometimes during the night. He loves Skinnamarink and Where is Thumpkin, but also sings ABCs, Ice Cream Shop and others
* Jack loves the Polar Express and will watch it at least once a day. When I say watch it, I mean it plays on the TV, but he doesn't sit and watch the entire movie. If you ask him what it is about, he knows, so he must be paying attention to bits and pieces of it! He also will watch the Leap Frog videos, but won't sit for the entire video either.
* Jack goes to preschool on Wednesday and Fridays for two hours and talks about other children in his class and his teachers.
* Jack loves Candy Land, although he doesn't play it correctly. He likes to pass out the people and cards to those who are "playing" with him and he keeps 95% of them for himself. This drives my five year old nephew crazy because he just wants to play the game.
* Jack loves to play with his play food and likes to get out my real pans and plates to make Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Dinner.
* Jack loves to help cook and bake anything with me in the kitchen.
* Jack does a soccer class by himself on Saturday mornings.
* Jack knows how to spell his first and last name, knows his street name and city he lives in and his phone number including area code. We never taught him these things, just something he picked up on his own.
* Jack loves to play with PlayDuh and loves to paint
* Jack loves to play with his strollers and push them all around the house filled with play food, cars, and other toys.
* Jack loves to play hide-and-go-seek. He is just learning this game and will tell the seeker where he is as soon as they finish counting. Sometimes his hiding place is sitting on the couch with one pillow on top of him. He also will hide in the same spot multiple times in a row.
* Jack loves his Bellas (two bears given to him when he was born--one was the original one named Bella and one was a spare one in case we ever lost Bella. Over the years he has become known as Bella's Brother and has become almost as important as Bella. Although they are the same bear, Bella is slightly more worn and Jack can tell you which is which with his eyes close. He would never go to sleep without them.) Both Bellas go to preschool with him, although they don't come out of his book bag anymore.
* Jack loves to pick out his clothes the night before. Since all his winter clothing is hanging in the closet, I am constantly putting away shorts and short sleeved T-shirts that he has placed out to wear from his dresser drawers.
* Jack loves baths and PJs. He will put his PJs on as early as one in the afternoon on some days. At the very least, they are on as soon as it gets dark which is around 4 pm these days. He also loves his robe and will insist he sleeps in it some nights.
* Jack knows his ABCs, can count past 20 (although he skips number 16 always) and knows the sounds all the letters make
* Jack is fascinated with unlocking cars and constantly asks which car we are going to drive-- the van or dad's car? This is usually the first question for me when I pick him up for school.
* Jack loves to play with other kids and has recently done very well doing this without me having to be there with him all the time.
* Jack hates the cold and cries when snow gets on his hands (Just like my brother Neil, when he was a little boy)
* Jack loves his baby sisters and prays for them each night along with many other friends and relatives. He knows quite a few prayers and insists we say each one every night, Our Father, Hail Mary, Angel of God, Blessed Our Lord, and Glory Be. When we leave the room, we tell him to say them to himself while going to sleep and we can hear him reciting them downstairs, which puts smiles on our faces. Some nights he will start singing before he falls asleep. He will also wake up and begin to sing before getting out of bed.
We love our little boy to the fullest!! Happy Birthday Jack! He had a fun day with his Aunt Sarah and Uncle John who are visiting us for a few days before driving to Fort Wayne, IN tomorrow for Christmas. He doesn't get to see them much because they live in Houston! They took him to the Children's Museum today downtown and he loved every minute of the attention he got! Here are a few pictures of our three year old.
By the Christmas Tree
Jack weighs 36.6 lbs. and is 36.75 inches tall.
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