I recently had my blog printed into a book for a Christmas gift for my parents. Since receiving it, I have read my entire blog from the beginning. What a year! It was funny to look back at all the ultrasounds and read about "fire cracker" and "spark-plug" Baby B and think of how Elizabeth acts today-- the same! And our mellow Baby C--Kate who is still the same today. Big Baby A is still the biggest, too. And all the doctors appointments and visitors last summer! Then, once the girls were born, the road they took in the NICU and being home all together for the first time. I read my post of "A Day in the Life.." when the triplets were two months old and realized how much their schedules have changed and how much easier they have become! So, I decided to continue with this post, "A Day in the Life" today, when the triplets are five months old and Jack is three years old.
My day starts around 6-6:30am (better already). Jack usually gets up around then too. We both go downstairs and I pump while he likes to sit next to me and talk my ear off. We sometimes play a card game or other game. Once finished, I try to get my shower in before the girls get up although this doesn't always happen. I will then feed Jack breakfast and get the girls' bottles ready. Then I will bring them downstairs, change, weigh and fed them a bottle of breast milk and Neosure formula 22 cal., usually about 5.5-6 oz. They will play well after eating, entertaining themselves under the play mat, sitting in the Bumbo, tummy time or in their bouncy chairs. Sometimes they will sit propped on the couch, too. I straighten up the kitchen, clean the breakfast dishes and shower if I didn't get it in earlier. I will get Jack dressed. I then will pump again. Jack likes to play Candy Land with me every morning while I pump. I will finish all this around 9am. The girls will usually take a nap around 930 or so, most of the time only for an hour. I have been trying them out in their cribs for this nap and the problem I am running into is one waking the other two up. But, they have no choice in the matter, they are going to have to learn to sleep through the noise. I try to get my bottles made for the next day during this nap--12 bottles each day.
The girls will eat again at 11am, 2 pm and 5 pm. One is nursed each feeding and the other two get bottles. They usually are awake in between the 11am feeding and 2 pm feeding and then will nap 3:30-4p or 5pm. At least that is the goal. Some days they seem to take three 30-45 minute naps (between each of their feedings). We are working on this to get them asleep all at the same time each day. They love their swings, play mat (Elizabeth will lay under it for an hour at a time cooing at herself and laughing in the mirror) and being read to, sung to and talked to. They are also getting so much better at tummy time and in the Bumbo. The evenings have started to get easier, too. The 'witching hour' isn't so bad anymore. I don't feel like I NEED a second hand--although it is always nice to have someone else around. I put Jack in bed around 645pm (he doesn't nap anymore so he has an earlier bedtime) and then start getting the girls ready for bed. Bottles are given at 7pm and they take 20 minutes to an hour to eat them (Elizabeth can sometimes take an hour when she is extremely sleepy) and we put them in their cribs, turn on the fish tank and close the door. Then there is silence! I pump again and by 745pm, I can do anything that needs to be done I usually go to bed around 1030-11p and pump again before I do.
We still have Madeleine eight hours a day and she is a HUGE help in getting the girls fed and bathed (Monday, Wed. and Friday), doing laundry and cleaning, cooking and doing anything and everything else that needs to be done. On Monday, Wed and Friday when she leaves at 430pm, I will usually have a volunteer from church that comes over to help feed Jack dinner at 5pm and help with the girls' 5pm feeding. I have made it out of the house for a run on most afternoons and actually signed up for a half marathon in September. Jack is going to school on Wednesday and Friday from 9-11am and we are still attending our playgroup together on Mondays. Nicholas--Jack's 5 year old cousin--and Jack have been playing so well together, we usually have Nicky over one afternoon and Jack will go over to his house one afternoon.
We are enjoying the kids being indoors this winter. Jack is a little mini-me and repeats our sayings to the girls. He loves his kitchen and is really into card games and board games. He really is a sweet boy. The girls are laughing and cooing and so smiley! I have to get used to all the smiles around the house!
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