Wednesday, January 6, 2010

More Christmas Pictures

These are pictures taken from our new camera over Christmas. I just figured out how to download them to the computer, so I thought I would add them in a separate posting.

Taken on 12/21/09--Kate, Anna and Elizabeth
Four months old
Jack and Jake on Christmas Eve

Susie and Tim holding Kate and Anna
Having a conservation with Elizabeth-- our talker
Getting ready for gifts

Jack loving his new Bears outfit from Mimi and Papa
Anna on Christmas Day

Papa and Anna
After Mass on Christmas day
Dec. 26th--Jack ready for gifts at my parent's house
Aunt Ryann feeding Maria with Abby, Kevin and Jack watching
Dec. 27th- Jack's music toy from Peepaw and Geemaw
Opening gifts on Dec. 27th

All the kids love Peepaw
Anna looking at Geemaw
Dec. 30th
Peepaw acting like a kid with the kids

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