Sunday, January 31, 2010

Grandmom and Granddad Come for the Weekend

Grandmom and Granddad decided early Saturday morning to come for a quick visit. We love having them come to visit, especially Jack! It was great to see them and they enjoyed seeing the girls. Plus, my dad brought us a truck load of wood for our fires! I got some good pictures of the weekend. I also pulled out the video camera today. I realized the girls are almost six months old--how did that happen? They are cooing so much and will imitate and talk back to you if you talk to them. They also laugh out loud. I can't get enough of a baby's belly laugh, so I thought I should get it on the camera so someday I can pull it out to hear it again and again. It was a fun weekend, just don't ask John advice about playing Tripoly, haha!

Grandmom and Elizabeth. While I was editing the pictures,I noticed a pattern...That little Elizabeth loves to be held...
Mama holding Elizabeth

Such a great helper--that little Jack is!

All the girls are working on holding their bottles which I am really looking forward to.This picture is staged, Elizabeth tries hard to hold the bottle by herself, but really can't. Plus when the bottles are full, none of the girls are strong enough to come close to holding the bottle. But, at least they all know where their hands should be!
Grandmom and the triplets
I love this picture of the girls looking at Grandmom
She was teaching them how to talk. If they are anything like their brother when they start talking we are in for some long conservations with four kids!
I love this picture too.

Granddad and Elizabeth

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