Wednesday, January 20, 2010

NICU Follow-Up

The girls had their NICU follow-up appointment today at Northwestern. They were checked out by a physical therapist--actually the same one that saw them while they were in the NICU. According to her, they are doing great and she has no concerns. They are doing more than what she expects them to be doing at their ages. She is such a nice lady, she gave us an A+ on our parenting! They are strong on their tummies and there are no flat heads! It is great to hear these things. The girls did great during the exams, especially considering it was 11am and feeding time. They were full of smiles and good at cooperating with the tests. They also are part of a research study about predicting speech delays in premature babies. Today, they were tested in speech and social and also did great.

Kate turning her head towards the rattle
Kate looking for the noise from the bell

After the appointment, I had to go into Northwestern Hospital to get my parking pass validated. Since I was already in the hospital, I decided to take the elevator up to the 14th floor to maternal-fetal medicine clinic and see if any of my doctors were there today. It was just past noon, so I wondered if they would be at lunch. The practice has probably 11 doctors, and I didn't even see all of them during all my prenatal visits. Besides the one that delivered me, there was one doctor I saw quite a bit towards the end of my pregnancy and was actually the one who was on-call both times I was admitted to the hospital, Dr. Peaceman. He happened to be the only doctor in the clinic today, so it was nice he was able to see the babies for the first time. I also saw two of the nurses who I got to know really well during all my visits. It was great to see them.

Tomorrow they are five months! I'll try to get a good picture of them and post it.

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