Saturday, August 21, 2010

Birthday Party Preparations

My mom and dad came to help me get ready for the girls' birthday party a few days early. I have to admit, I think I took on more than I thought and had a hard time getting everything done! I made a slide show for the girls that took MUCH longer than anticipated and I won't go into details, but I ended up having to start the project over on another computer with a different program at a friend's house on Monday. It turned out very nice and I am thankful for great friends to help me finish it! Aside from the 640 picture (I admit I take a lot of pictures) slide show, I did picture collages for each girl of pictures taken each month of the past year. I also did one collage of pictures of all three girls taken together in the past year. My biggest project, however, was my 'wall of fame'. I got this idea from another triplet mom. I made cut-outs for each of the girls' milestones they reached in the past year. It sounded like such a cute idea, but it took so much more time that I thought it would. But, with the help of my parents and nieces who watched the girls, everything got done in time for the party, thank goodness!

Jack and Granddad taking a rest on Friday afternoon
Erin helped me decorate the house
Picture collage of all three

The collages of each of the girls. The pictures are in chronological order, birth through eleven months.
They are hard to see, but the are in order: Anna, Elizabeth & Kate
My wall of fame. The months are listed near the top. The row of castles are all of Anna's milestones. Elizabeth's are on the princesses in the second row and Kate's are listed on the unicorns along the bottom. Above the months along the top of the fence are all the girls' stats (weight/length) each month.
I did all the cut outs (with the help from Madeleine and my nieces). My mom wrote all their milestones on them. It took me quite a while on Thursday night to organize them along this piece of plastic so they would all fit along the fence. We were praying for no rain...not sure where we would have hung this 30' sign!
My nieces helped me make their sign.

OK, with everything ready, bring on the seventy or so guests we are expecting! 

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