Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Trip to Michigan--Tuesday and Wednesday

On Tuesday, we loaded up the kids and drove to Lansing. Julie and I spent a lot of our childhood here. We first stopped by our old gymnastics gym. Back in the day, we spent 25-30 hours a week working out. We visited with our old coaches, John and Kathryn, and watched the gymnasts work out which brought back a flood of memories! From there, we drove by our old house---it is amazing how things look different from a child's eye! Then, we ate some lunch at Grandmom and Granddad's "little house" and decided to walk to her store. It seemed like a good idea at the time considering we had been in the car so much, but it was VERY hot and the little kids were tired. But, we made it by bribing them they could pick out candy when we got there. My mom loves every chance she can get to show off her grand kids, and really, with this group of children, who wouldn't? After shopping at the store (the produce is in a league of it's own), we made it back to Grandmom's and let the kids take a dip in the pool for a little while. Jack, who has not spent a ton of time in the pool, loved it! He showed no fear jumping in off the edge of the pool. We made our way back to Julie's Tuesday night and left for home after lunch today. Whew! I am happy with how smoothly things went. It was fun! Jack asked me when we are going back to Michigan while we were driving down Julie's driveway--can you tell he had fun? We are already planning another trip in February to see the new baby!

The girls on Grandmom's Nordic track

One of the owners of the store. I think he got a kick out of seeing all the kids in person (considering how much he hears about them all!)
Jack talked off their ears! He did enjoy the plout that Mr. Horrocks picked out for him to try.
The crew with my mom and Mrs. Horrocks
Abby and Jack jumping in the pool
Jack in action. My mom was such a sport getting in the pool with the little kids. Julie and I watched the babies.

Abby and Jack slept together each night

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