Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Block Party

Today was our block party. And, wow, what a party, complete with a big bouncy, food, face painting, cookie decorating, a fire truck which sprayed everyone with the hose, corn hole and a band! It was a nice afternoon filled with mingling with the neighbors and the kids ran wild. Jack was one dirty kid when he finally made it inside around 9:30 pm. The girls were able to participate some too because the party was centered around our yard which worked out great for us. We set up our "baby jail" and the girls even played with the neighbors! And when 7 pm rolled around, we put them to bed and were able to enjoy the band outside. Thankfully, the band playing right outside their window didn't keep them awake!

Baby jail. Marty joined in on the fun with the girls. I think he is going to be such a good friend to the girls!

Marty is younger by a few months, but he is so close to walking! We think Anna is his favorite.
I wasn't stuck in baby jail all night, thankfully.

Jack loves to talk with our neighbors, and they get a kick out of him. Mr. Kokaska is helping Jack find an orange (juice) box.

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