Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'ts Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas...

We decided to get some of the Christmas decorations out this weekend. I'm not sure my mom in all of her 57 years has ever put up decorations this early, but since I am living here at the moment, I gave her a little nudge saying it was OK to get it done. Plus we are hosting Thanksgiving Dinner next week and I think it will be nice to enjoy the tree and lights with everyone! I might be regretting this in the coming weeks with the girls walking and crawling towards the tree...we'll see. I love this time of year--the family, the food, the lights, music...I could go on forever! Here are a few pictures of the kids in the last few days.

The girls have been fighting little viruses again. Anna decided to empty out the tissue box one morning. She typically does this with the wipes if I leave them out.

My Mom put the girls in a box. Who wouldn't want this package this Christmas? :)

Typical morning. The girls crowd me. They are slightly jealous when I am holding someone other than themselves. Sometimes I wish I had three arms :)

Kate. She reaches up on the top of her head looking for a bow when I put bows in Anna's and Elizabeth's hair. I have to tell her she doesn't have enough hair for a bow.


Jack ran errands with Grandmom today and they stopped by Great-Grandmother's and Great-Grandfather's house.
Grandmom took the girls for a walk today since it wasn't too cold.

Oh, if all goes well, we sold our house! We are so glad that it only took a little over a month! We are so thankful for the sale, but it really makes this holiday season even more busy. We close on the home Dec. 10th. Now, we get to start looking for a new home--that's the fun part!

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