Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Shoes (Sort of) and Hair Dos

Today, my mom helped me put the girl's hair up in bows. Poor Kate, she really doesn't have much me at her age. But, we tried :)

I also put on their Robeez shoes that were given to them last year from their Aunt Cindy. Their feet were so small, they never fit last winter, and even though they are 0-6 month size, they fit great this year! I am so glad, the shoes are so cute on them!

Speaking of size, I had to measure their heads yesterday and so I tried to get a measurement of their lengths as well, since I have not done that in a while. Kate and Elizabeth were about 27 inches and Anna was 27.25 inches. Anna and Elizabeth had head circumferences of 17.75 inches and Kate's was 17.5 inches. They go to see their new pediatrician in two weeks for their 15 month check so we will know all their stats then. Jack, of course wanted measured too and he was 40.5 inches.

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