Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day--Szczepanski Dinner

Thanksgiving Day! We were excited to celebrate and to see everyone. We started out the day at Grandmom's and Granddad's house. There was quite a crowd including, Grandmother and Grandfather Poinsatte, Uncle Phillip and Aunt Patty and their three children, the Druelle's, the Szczepanski's and us! We were missing the Wakefields :(

My mom made a great meal which we enjoyed quietly (the girls were napping).

Kid table #1. Jack helped to set the tables with Grandmom. He put little stickers at each of the kid's place settings. What a nice little boy to share his stickers :)

Kid table #2. This was reserved for the older group of kids.

Anna and Kate are unloading the set table.





Grandmother and Grandfather looking after the little kids.

Aunt Julie and Kate

Aunt Patty, Marie, Anna and Jeremy
John, Grandmom, Elizabeth and Uncle Phillip

Carving the bird
Dinner--the little kids: Abby, Jack, Thomas and Kevin

The middle kids: Marie, Richie, Braden, James, Emily and Ambria

The adults
Carter liked his Thanksgiving, too :)

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