Today, the girls saw Dr. Jim and thankfully I had two extra set of hands (thanks Grandmom and Brittany) which makes these appointments go much more smoothly. They only got one shot today--Hep A, the last shot in the series of baby shots. But even as I write this, I know they will need flu shots each year and who knows what other vaccines they will come up with in the next few years! However, I am glad those appointments of needing four or five shots are long behind us.
As predicted, Elizabeth and Kate were not big fans of Dr. Jim, both screaming throughtout the office visit. The screaming started right when we started to undress them to be weighed. Elizabeth actually peed on the scale--whoops! Thank goodness I don't have sickly kids and have to go into that office more often. Thankfully, none of the girls have ever been to the doctor for being sick--except for Kate's vomiting bug last November. How lucky am I?
Waiting on Dr. Jim
Elizabeth--my little peanut brittle
16 lbs. 6 oz.
29 inches long (2nd percentile)
46 cm head (35th percentile)
Kate-Kate--my little mischief maker
16 lbs. 12 oz.
28.75 inches long (1st percentile)
45 cm head (13th percentile)
Anna-- my little chubbers
16 lbs. 14 oz.
29.5 inches long (5th percentile)
45.5 cm head (22nd percentile)
While Dr. Jim was examining Kate, he told me he thought I should put the girls in gymnastics. I am pretty sure he doesn't know I was a gymnast, nor that I come from a huge family of gymnasts and my three aunts own a gymnastics club in town. He told me gymnastics, even for a few years, is good for preemies for coordination and body awareness. Three little gymnasts? Hmmm.