Thursday, February 10, 2011

February Valentines

The weather here has been brutal! We have been keeping warm inside and adjusting to "my new job" as I joke. Getting Jack to and from school three days a week, gymnastics class, playgroup with all the kids once a week on top of trying to unpack some while the kids are in bed has left me exhausted! Today, Jack and I took a nap in the afternoon, something he (nor I) have not done in a long time! But, I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as the boxes are slowly going away and things are getting organized. The kids are doing great. Jack is sleeping well in his own bed again (after months of sleeping with Granddad, we weren't sure how he would do in his own bed). The girls are loving the playroom and all our old toys they have never seen. They also like the independence of walking anywhere in the basement that is child-proofed. Carter is back to his old self--you know, after eight moves, this is old hat for him :)
That's about it for now. Here are a few pictures of the kids playing together.

Anna and Elizabeth

the new gate
Remember this picture from last year?

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