Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday: Dinner at Chiazza's House

Sunday afternoon we went over for an Easter egg hunt and also for dinner at Aunt Mary's and Uncle John's house. The kids did quite well considering the busy weekend we had. Makes us think as they get older, things start to get somewhat easier.

Scudder family~Easter 2011

Mimi and the Scudder and Frazier girls

Do twins run in the family? John and Tim showed up with the same outfit. We had to laugh :)

My girls and me

Sarah and Anna
Jack and Mimi

Aunt Susie, Mimi, Aunt Cindy and I pose with Anna, Elizabeth and Kate.

Add in the Frazier girls to that last picture!

Sarah and Anna

I love this picture of Kate

Aunt Cindy helps Elizabeth find her eggs

"Think there is candy in here?"



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