Thursday, April 21, 2011


The girls are twenty months old today. I attempted to get my ritual picture of the month and did the best I could. They are not much into staying still for anything these days.

Anna and Kate

Chasing each other--lots of laughing
Kate said 'doggie' today for the first time! This is her third word (Jack, ut oh). She is by far my strongest toddler. She can climb onto the couch now and is always finding things to climb and stand on. She loves her bink, music, dancing, purses, dolls and her lovie. She has eleven teeth and finally enough hair to put back into a bow. I tried to measure and weigh the girls this week. Kate is about 29.75 inches long and weighs around 17 lbs.

Kate likes to climb on this chair and stand up until I tell her "no". She, then smiles and laughs because she knows she is doing something wrong. She is my little stinker---always looking for ways to stir the pot!
Elizabeth is a mama's girl! Lately she can't get enough of my lap and it seems like I am holding her all the time. She loves her bink, lovie, books, blocks and dolls. She has all her teeth minus her two year molars (16 total). She is by far my pickiest eater so when she throws her food down, Anna or Kate will quickly pick it up. She is definitely built different from the other two, a much smaller frame. I have noticed this more lately because I have to pin her pants because they fall down. She weighs somewhere between 16.5 and 17 lbs and is around 30 inches long.

When Elizabeth sees Kate stand on this chair, she will too. Today, I told her "No." and she looked at me and pointed to her nose :)
Anna recently said her 9th word, "up!" She is starting to talk more and more. She has 14 teeth now. She loves dolls, Carter, magna blocks, cupcakes and her lovie. She is the best at playing by herself and can hold her own when the other two try to take her toys. She also gives great hugs and kisses. She is around 30 inches long and about 17.5 lbs.

All three loves these sunglasses that my niece, Amy left here last weekend.

Jack wanted his picture taken too! He had a great day at swim lessons, jumping in and going under and also floating by himself. He also started Tee ball last Saturday and played one very cold, very wet game. His game on Tuesday was cancelled, but hopefully he will play again this Saturday. He had a great play date today and was the sweetest boy sharing his toys with his friends. He is learning numbers in school and so he has recently asked us to write down cell phone numbers and home numbers and will memorize them. He knows about ten people's numbers. Don't be surprised if you get a phone call from him.

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