Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter: Sunday Morning

Easter Sunday started with Jack coming into our bedroom around 5:30 asking if the Easter bunny came. Around 6:30, while laying in bed with us, he told us he heard the Easter bunny! We made him wait until the girls got up around 8am before we allowed him to go downstairs. He saw eggs right away downstairs but it was a few seconds before he spotted his Easter basket. He shouted, "Daddy, he brought us lots of candy!"

The girls learned quickly there were jelly beans and skittles in the plastic eggs and experienced these for the first time. Needless-to-say, they were a big hit!

Elizabeth, Anna & Kate

Jelly beans~ yum!

Daddy gives them jelly beans
Jack looking through his basket

Playing the Toy Story 3 games with Daddy

Anna figured out how to open the eggs :)

Elizabeth loved the skittles

Kate knew there were good things to eat inside these eggs :)

Anna with her new purse

Anna put some eggs in the purse

Elizabeth carrying her purse

Kate LOVED her purse

In fact, she found one of her sister's purses and carried two around!

My little purse girl

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