Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Remembering Papa

Dear Papa,
I will always remember you and your acts of kindness and love for me and my family. I met you just 16 years ago and you have been a part of my life--a huge part. We shared a good amount of time together during those years, however, it now seems like it was not enough. You were always there to offer a helping hand, fix whatever we needed fixed and do whatever we needed, often when we didn't even ask you to do it. There was never anything sought for in return.

You were in part responsible for the health of my three little girls. I can't begin to thank you for all the help you gave me while I was pregnant with them. You were one of volunteers coming to our house to help me get through the last nine weeks of the pregnancy. Oh, you spent weeks in Illinois doing my job, i.e. taking Jack to the park, feeding and bathing him, moping the floors and doing the laundry while I was lying on the couch, unable to to care for my two year-old son and keep up the house. I know because of you I was able to carry the girls longer in the pregnancy and they were bigger and healthier when they were born.

And what about all the work you did for us in the houses we have lived in? I could sit here and list them all, but I don't think I could remember everything, there was so much. You were always coming up with ways to improve everything, from the shelves you build in the garage to the closets you organized, to the mobile you reworked to fit the sleigh crib for Jack when he was an infant.

You loved our children--and all the grandchildren--so much. I am very sad our children will probably not remember their "Papa" and everything you gave them. This breaks my heart. You would have loved to see them grow up and do whatever they decided to do. You would have been there in the stands watching Jack play baseball, or basketball cheering him on, his biggest fan. You would have enjoyed taking him to play golf like you did with the older grandchildren. I know you were so proud of the kids. I know you loved the girls with all your heart and liked watching them grow and develop into little toddlers. We will talk about you often and bring out pictures so they will know the kind of man you were.

Jack remembers alligator bites from Papa and giving you high fives. He also remembers the wrestling. I overheard he and Noah talking at your funeral saying how nice Papa was. They know. Jack understands you are now an angel watching over us and he can talk to you anytime. Believe me, he and all of us will. We will need another guardian angel watching us and helping us as we continue with this journey of life.

Thank you Papa for all your love.

I love you.


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