Friday, January 13, 2012

Snow in Michigan!

On Friday, Grand Rapids got around five inches of snow. Jack went outside with Jeremy while the other kids were in school. He had fun sledding down their driveway. I think the last time he sledded he was 3! He loved it. When the kids came home, we bundled the girls and Alexa and took them outside. Alexa sat with her arms straight out, just looking around. The girls would fall and not be able to get up! Granddad took them each down the driveway and tried to take them in the backyard but they kept falling. Jack and Abby played forever on the porch, sliding down the steps and also sledded in the front on the driveway. It was a fun day!
Jeremy sledding with Jack

Down the Druelle's driveway

Abby and Jack on the back porch

Down the steps!

They are best buds
Ready to go!


Alexa didn't move from this position



Granddad tried to go down the hill, but wouldn't move...

My mom gave him a push

Trying to get down to the back yard--Anna kept falling

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