Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday in Michigan

Last night, we made it to the Druelle's house a day and half early because of the snow that was expected. The drive wasn't too bad. We stopped and surprised my mom in Lansing. She didn't know we were coming! It was fun to walk around her store and we picked up a few things, too. Abby and Jack have been inseparable today, of course. The girls have mastered climbing out of their cribs which translated to no naps for the second day in a row and a bedtime fiasco tonight. I had to sit in their room while they climbed out several times before they finally gave in a fell asleep--about an hour later! While I was sitting there in the dark, I was thinking how different they are from Jack! They did have a GREAT time playing with all sorts of new and exciting toys at the Druelle's. We are looking forward for a little snow tomorrow and playing outside.

We had to bribe them with suckers to sit for a picture

And that is as good as it gets, right now!
Pure happiness

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