Sunday, March 4, 2012

Basketball, Saint's Alive and Sycamore Brunch

Jack had his last game at the YMCA on Saturday. He improved during the season and he had fun. He got a medal at the end of the game. He loves the medal! We traveled to Indiana after Jack's game. John couldn't come with us, so it was just the kids and me. I went to my old high school's fundraiser, Saint's Alive. It was disappointing that John was not there! On Sunday, the Scudder family had brunch at Sycamore which has become a annual tradition. It was amazing to see/feel the difference from last year. The kids did great and it was almost relaxing. I think I actually sat down this year with a plate of food!

My cousin Marie and I at Saint's Alive
My niece Erin is so smart. She invented a triplet bottle feeder for a school project and won 3rd prize. The girls modeled it for us. Wish I would have had this two years ago!

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