Thursday, March 29, 2012

Nap Time and Last Library Story Time

First day of the nap---or lack thereof. I had checked on them prior, the first thing they did was unzip each other's PJs. I put all their clothes away and told them to lay down. Jack came home from school and once I got him a snack, unloaded his backpack and went back upstairs and this is what we found:

Lizzy was airborne! (I guess I will mention none of them had diapers on, and there was poop on the floor...Lizzy stepped on it...blankets and sheets were washed)

Kate wearing multiple pairs of under-bunders

Anna had half a swimsuit on. After this trip, we are going to have to figure out what to do with the nap time/bedtime routine.

Today was the last library story time. The girls get so excited when we pull into the library parking lot. They love the music the best and afterwards we usually do the craft they have set up and also play in the Discovery Works area with the train table.

Kate dancing

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