Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lake Erie Nature Center

I took the kids to the Nature Center yesterday. John had to work all day so I thought it would be fun to out of the house. It is right up the road from us. It was a good visit today because we saw the one of the turtles move across the cage (usually they all lie together and look like a pile of rocks) and we saw many of the snakes moving. The kids got a kick out of one of them in particular that would move from one of the kids to the next. They kept saying, "He's is looking at me!"

We also saw them changing the cages out and then put new batches of snakes in--from bags! It freaked me out a little, but the kids loved to see them move. After a while, Kate said, "I don't like them, Mama."

Neither do I, Kate, neither do I.

There is a big log to climb in that the kids loved.
One of the snakes looking at Jack
Getting ready to put the snake back in his cage.
You couldn't pay me enough to do that job!
The turtle tank. The big turtle under the lamp was the one that moved across the cage.

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