Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mom/Grandmom Turns 60!

Mom/Grandmom turned 60 today! We had plans set in motion to surprise her on her actual birthday months ago. Due to illnesses, we had to modify our plans last minute, but all of her children and most of her grandchildren were able to spend her birthday with her today. We met in Lansing for breakfast and she was surprised to see all of us waiting for her. After breakfast, we went swimming at the YMCA (hard to find things to do in the winter with 15 young children!) and then we had cake and watched a slide show that Sarah and John put together with the help of the rest of us in gathering pictures. The slide show was great and showed all parts of her life from birth until now. It was a great day and I am happy we were able to spend it with her!

Flap Jack Restaurant. Jack got a kick out of the name. Grandmom is just seeing Jack for the first time.
Jack and Braden
Maggie is always smiling!
These two are peas in a pod! I couldn't tell if they were fighting or playing!
Three generations
Love you, Mom.

After swimming, some of us tried the rock wall.
John made it to the top! (easy side--he tried the other side and didn't make it so far)
Grandmom gives it a try! Not bad for 60!
Jeremy and Julie made the cake. It seemed fitting that we would make her a cake rather than buy one after all the cakes she has made for us over the years.
Singing to her
The picnic of cake
Watching the slide show
Jack loves his Grandmom. They are buddies.
Alexa woke up from her nap and wanted some cake.

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