That day would be today.
Where was I, you might ask?
Well, I had a quite interesting day. It started out with my FIRST ever speeding ticket. I was going a womping 34mph. I missed the school zone sign on a busy road that I am hardly ever on, not doubt ever on, at 8:30 in the morning. I was going to pick up my neighbor from the Toyota dealership so she would not have to sit and wait all day for her car. It was raining and I just missed the sign. I will make no other excuses. I pass two school zones on the way to the girls' preschool and I brake down to the 20mph always. The policeman, when he pulled me over, told me he tickets in school zones over 10mph, unless there is a good excuse. I guess I don't have one.
There is a winter storm warning for tomorrow, mostly lake effect snow which should be to the east of us. However, my parents were planning to visit us and would be driving right in the storm, so they have decided to wait and see. Maybe they will come Friday or Saturday now. I had to reschedule two appointments for Friday and line up baby sitters for Friday and Saturday night--in case they don't come. I would not want them driving in bad weather!
I get home and decide to call about my iPhone that I have had less than a month. The speaker doesn't work and the ring tones either. Bottom line: Two hours on the phone later, I need to get a new phone because mine is defective.
So, while I was on the phone for those two hours, my girls were not bothering me. They were playing quietly. I was in the office talking on the phone and trying to reset my phone which is so frustrating---but I won't go there--and they grabbed a box of granola bars from the pantry right under my nose. They wanted to have a picnic. So they went to the sunroom and spread out their blankets, set up their doll babies and barbies and ate some granola bars. They also each pulled out a box of noodles and dumped those out on the blankets, put some in their purses for later and in their doll strollers for their doll babies. After wasting two hours on the phone, I was not happy to say the least. Then, I saw their picnics and wrappers. I counted twenty. Needless-to-say, they didn't ask for lunch.
After cleaning up, we decided to get out of the house on this rainy day. There was in incidnet with the little potty (that my girls never use anymore), poop and the bathroom sink. I won't go into details, but Elizabeth was trying to clean up after she went number two and dumped it into the sink instead of the toilet. After we got that cleaned up, we went to a playgroup and then to pick up Jack from school. We took my neighbor back to the dealership and picked up pizza. I ended my day cleaning up the basement with the kids after dinner. I have been ignoring the basement because it seems every day the girls are downstairs making HUGE messes. I was cleaning up each night and I finally gave up. I thought it would be easier to clean it every few days instead of every day. Tonight it took us over an hour to straighten up.
As I was feeling rotten from my, well, rotten day, I get a text from a friend. Her 23 month-old fell and hit his head on Sunday and he was rushed into surgery for bleeding and a skull fracture. I heard from her on Monday while she was in the PICU with her son. Today she sent me another update with pictures of Nathan. He is doing great- waving and smiling in the pictures- and she thinks they will get to go home tonight. Half of his head was shaved and he has a large incision that covers half of his head. I am so glad he going to fine. And seeing his little smile makes me think how trivial my 'rotten' day was. I am blessed to have my healthy children and I put them in bed, I gave them an extra hug and kiss good-night.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
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