Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Last Day of Break

I let Jack pick what we would do today since it was the last day before school started. He chose going to mall to play and eating pretzels. While there, we walked into the Disney store and I let the kids pick out something small. Jack found a Peter Pan journal and the girls found Minnie Mouse nail polish.

Jack got bored and started looking at his baseball cards.
Pretzels for lunch!
While the girls were playing I had a conservation with a woman and it went something like this:

Woman "Are they sisters?"
Me: "Yes."
Woman: "How old are they?"
Me: "Three. They are triplets."
Woman: "So, are they twins?"
Me: "No, they are triplets."
Woman: "They don't look alike."
Me: "They are not identical. They share the same birthday-- born on the same day-- so they are triplets."
Woman confused...walked away.

I have a lot of these encounters and they are quite funny to me!

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