Friday, April 5, 2013

Arts and Craft Day and Back to the Library. Plus OUTSIDE

Wednesday we stayed around the house and did some major arts and crafting. I think a glue stick can entertain the girls for hours (well--until it runs out).

I also made a fruit salad for a snack with whipped cream. They loved the treat!

By Thursday, Jack was begging to go back to the library...because we had finished reading all SEVEN of the Magic Treehouse books we checked out on Monday. He must be my child--loves to read! I am glad he found a series he likes because it has made him want to read more! And, it finally warmed up for yesterday and today we were able to get outside for a bit, finally!

The one with the longest name prints it the best--go figure!

Kate doesn't like oranges, mango or pineapple--my one and only picky eater!


Alphabet train puzzle...again

They built this big tower with some other kids

Cleaning up


More games

Planting flowers
They were on a roller coaster!


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