Thursday, April 18, 2013

Well Checks Times Four

We did them early this year since we are not sure how much time we will have this summer. The kids all are healthy and growing!

Jack at 6.5 years is 48# (50th percentile) and 47.5 inches (75th percentile). His BMI is in the 15th percentile. The doctor actually told me he is a skinny kid...just seems weird to hear that because a few years ago he would not have been described like that!

Anna is 29# (10th percentile) and 37 inches (10th percentile)

Elizabeth is 26# (3rd percentile--fist time to make the regular charts) and 36.5 inches (5th percentile)

Kate is 28# (5th percentile) and 37 inches (10th percentile) I think their percentiles are similar to what they were last July

The weather was in the 80s today so we played outside. The girls went over to our friends house while I took Jack to his appointment this afternoon. They love to play with Catherine and Sean and Mary Ann loved to have them.

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