Monday, April 22, 2013

Beauty and the Beast

We went to Beauty and the Beast that was put on by third through eight graders at St. Jude in Elyria. We went with some of our good friends. We grabbed a bite to eat first and then it was off to the show. The girls did very well. They got tired near the end (9:15 was when we finally left) and they kept wanting to "meet Belle." We did after the show and they were very excited (but tired!). It was a fun evening. Meanwhile, John took Jack to buy a new basketball, get his glasses fixed and then they had a boy's night at Chuck-E-Cheese.

Meeting Belle

The girls are finally out of pull-ups at night! Elizabeth was my last one and she will still have an accident every once in a while, but she is wearing under-bunders to bed like her sisters. Weird to be done with pull-ups after so many years of them!

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