Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wakefield Girls Week

We had the Wakefield girls stay with us this week. The girls had a lot of fun playing together. On Tuesday, Sarah went to work in Oklahoma and so I got to spend the day with Maggie and Marie. I took them to the library story time, then to Toys R Us to pick up a gift for Jack. Then we got some ice cream and went to pick up the kids from school. I have never been able to spend time like this with them and it was a lot of fun. I am not used to having only two girls to keep up with either! 

On Wednesday, Sarah and I took them to Fayetteville for a tea party with princess pink tea! We ordered some lunch, but the girls really liked the cupcakes! After our lunch and tea, we went to get a pedicure and Marie and Maggie got their fingers painted. It was a great few days spent with Sarah and her girls.

 Walking into the library

 Selfie with the Wakefields

 They wanted this Frozen car for Christmas!

 Chicken pot pie for dinner
 Even Maggie ate it!
 Savoy Tea Company

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