Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Slay Make-Up Race

The girls and I went to the make-up race for the Slay the 5k tonight. Since I was not able to run with them, I tried to talk them into doing the 1/2 mile fun run instead of the 5k, but they really wanted to run it. So, Anna ran with a friend of hers and mom and finished in 36 minutes. Kate and Elizabeth ran with a  friend of mine and they finished about 15 seconds apart. Kate was somewhere around 27:30 and Elizabeth was just under 28:00. Considering they ran a 5k in November last year around 30:00, I think this was a great improvement for them.

 Kate coming in. I think her time was 27:25, but she started later in the pack so it was probably a little less. Because it was not chip timed, the times are not exact. 
 I think this was Elizabeth coming in. I was snapping pictures when I thought I was video taping. 

 Anna coming in

Anna running with Isabelle
SVdP Slay the 5k

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