Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day

 We had a nice Father's Day. We got up early for the kids to participate in the Drive, Chip and Putt contest. When we got there, it started to thunder and lightening, so after about 30 minutes, it was cancelled. Since John was trying to get some work done. I took the kids to IHOP for breakfast. While we were there, Jack's baseball tournament was cancelled as well. So, we headed home. John came home by lunch and since he was not feeling the best, he stayed home while I took the kids to Tanyard Creek with Rocky. The waterfall was very pretty. We hiked for about an hour and Rocky loved it. When we got back, the kids swam for a little bit, then we went to dinner with John.

 Warming up before the rain

 Rocky was tired!

 Ready for dinner

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