Saturday, August 6, 2022

Saturday: AAU Nationals: 3000m

We drove to the track early this morning for all three to run the 3k. They were all in the first heat of two. When they were introduced, they mentioned it was the first time there has been triplets competing at Nationals. Around lap 3, Anna took the lead with the other two moving up from the middle of the pack to second and third. Once they were leading, the announcer kept calling the race and the fact they were triplets. They ended up finishing 1,2,3 (Kate out-kicked Anna on the last 100m, and Elizabeth finished third) with huge PRs. Kate's time was 11:16.76 (48 second PR). Anna's time was 11:17.73 (17 second PR). Elizabeth's time was 11:20.2 (45 second PR). Milesplit put the end of the race reel on IG and it attracted a lot of comments and likes. Athing Mu commented on it which was pretty cool for the girls. Elizabeth was worried about her form after she saw Athing commented and Kate wondered aloud if she would recognize her at the next olympics...that Kate is going to be at. She is a huge role model for the girls for sure (Olympic and World champion in the 800m). The girls finished 11th, 12th, and 13th overall so they are considered second team All-American. It was their highest individual finish at Nationals and a great way to end it. Kate and Elizabeth decided not to triple jump. 

After they ran, we went back to Charlotte for lunch, then to the mall to kill some time, then to the airport to go home. A few people stopped us in the airport, recognizing the girls from the race that morning. 


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