First, Elizabeth had her eyes rechecked yesterday and according to Dr. Yoon, who refers to her as "Little Lizzy", she is perfect. We knew that, but I think he was referring to her eyes ;). That was nice to hear, we don't have to see him again until the girls are 9 months old. The nurse in his office is one of the nicest people. She loved Elizabeth and commented on how strong she was and how surprised she was that her eyes were fully developed at her size. She thought she was the smallest she had seen that didn't have to be rechecked. Elizabeth did great during the exam, but we are thankful we don't have to go back to have her eyes dilated again.
Second, Anna and Elizabeth both have come down with stuffy noses. This makes for long nights and one tired Mama. We can thank their big brother Jack for bringing home this virus last week from preschool. I am weary thinking this is only the beginning! Anna is slightly worse, but both girls are able to take their bottles--they are just slow and spit up more. I have them propped up to sleep and have been suctioning their noses. I hope they get better soon. Jack's cold didn't last very long and was mild for an almost 3 year old, but snotty noses in tiny babies sometimes can be serious. So, we are hoping they improve each day. And we are hopeful we can keep it from Kate if that is possible.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Meeting Great Grandparents/Birthday
On Sunday, my grandparents or our kids great grandparents came to visit and meet the girls for the first time. It was a nice day and we are so thankful they were able to make the trip with my parents. My grandparents have over 60 grandchildren and over 30 great grandchildren,which I think is an amazing blessing. It was also my birthday, so it was nice to spend time with them and my parents.
Kate--not sure if how they got this smile...we haven't seen any smiles from the girls yet, but it sure looks like Kate Maxine was smiling at her great grandmother, Maxine, who was holding her. Maybe it was because she realized that is who she is named after.
Anna--she is getting bigger and bigger each day. She reminds me of a newborn now that she is not so scrawny. And she seems heavy to hold her--compared to the others ;)

We made Grandfather Poinsatte hold a baby. He claimed he doesn't hold any baby under the age of one, but here he is holding 4 lb Elizabeth.

This is the best picture we got of Jack with Grandfather and Grandmother Poinsatte and the 3 girls.

Grandfather said we were pushing our luck after we made him hold Elizabeth and we asked him if he wanted to hold Anna or Kate next.
Kate--not sure if how they got this smile...we haven't seen any smiles from the girls yet, but it sure looks like Kate Maxine was smiling at her great grandmother, Maxine, who was holding her. Maybe it was because she realized that is who she is named after.
We made Grandfather Poinsatte hold a baby. He claimed he doesn't hold any baby under the age of one, but here he is holding 4 lb Elizabeth.
This is the best picture we got of Jack with Grandfather and Grandmother Poinsatte and the 3 girls.
Grandfather said we were pushing our luck after we made him hold Elizabeth and we asked him if he wanted to hold Anna or Kate next.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I'm One of Three!
My days are filled. I am keeping up with things, but using every second of every day. Organization is so important. And writing things down. (You should see my charts I keep each day.) And multitasking. I have learned how to nurse one baby and feed another a bottle, or feed a bottle to a baby while pumping, or check email while pumping or nursing or feeding and feed two babies at one time. Good thing I have a type A personality ;)
I have been wanting to take some pictures of the girls in these cute onesies and decided to do that on Tuesday when my mom was visiting, before they grow out of them. The onesies say I'm One of Three. They are from my mother-in-law and they are adorable. My next project is to attempt to get Jack in some pictures with the girls. We tried this day, but he wasn't very cooperative.

It still hurts to think these kids were at one point all scrunched inside my belly.

Holding Kate

Holding Elizabeth

Holding Anna

I have been wanting to take some pictures of the girls in these cute onesies and decided to do that on Tuesday when my mom was visiting, before they grow out of them. The onesies say I'm One of Three. They are from my mother-in-law and they are adorable. My next project is to attempt to get Jack in some pictures with the girls. We tried this day, but he wasn't very cooperative.
Kate, Anna and Elizabeth
Holding Kate
Holding Elizabeth
Holding Anna
One of the hardest things about having three babies at once is the feeling like I never get adequate one-on-one time with each of them. I feel like I am always rushing around to feed, diaper, bathe one to get to the next one. I have been trying to slow down and take some time to snuggle after each feeding during the days. I suppose every mother of multiple feels this way.
I am thankful the babies are doing great, I am learning their cues and cries and can determine who is crying and why for the most part. John and our nanny Madeleine are a big help as well as jack's cousin Nicholas and Aunt Sarah who are great in helping with Jack and the babies. I am lucky to have such wonderful support. They are gaining weight and getting bigger, so we must be doing OK, right? Anna hit 5 lbs. yesterday! Kate is just over 4.5 lbs and Elizabeth is over 4 lbs. now.
Monday, September 21, 2009
One Month Old
The girls are one month old today...we can hardly believe it! Here are a few pictures.
Elizabeth, Anna and Kate enjoying tummy time
weight: 4lbs. 1.5 oz.
Snuggle Bunny
I wanted to post a few more pictures. We noticed that Kate is a snuggle bunny. It doesn't matter where she is in the crib, she migrates to whomever is next to her. Most of these pictures were taken at different times and different days.
Kate and Elizabeth
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
First Tub Bath
First Day of Preschool
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Good Night Girls
First Walk
I have been wanting to go for a walk, but haven't seemed to have the time or energy. Today, I decided that I would make time because it was a beautiful September day and I know that the cold days are ahead. So, we got out the triple stroller, single stroller for Jack and leash for Carter. I am sure we were quite a sight walking down the street, but it was nice to get some fresh air.

The girls in their stroller
And Elizabeth Makes Three
Today we brought home Elizabeth. What a relief to have all the girls home healthy. Elizabeth weight is 3 lbs. 14 oz. She looks great, as do her sisters. We think they are all perfect!
Elizabeth is dressed in her going home outfit.

Ready to go. John put them in order: Baby A, Baby B, and Baby C. Anna and Kate were asleep, but Elizabeth was awake and ready to see the world outside the NICU.


When we got home, we realized Elizabeth was still awake--she doesn't want to miss anything, but the two others have already seen this and were content to sleep through her homecoming.
All three girls had their eyes checked today for retinopathy of prematurity or ROP. ROP is basically abnormal blood vessel growth in the eye that occurs in the premature infant. The girls' risk factors are low since they did not receive any oxygen and weren't really "sick" at birth. Anna and Kate had normal, fully developed eyes, and Elizabeth's were very mild and just need to be watched. The doctor said this is probably because she was the smallest. He also said there is a 99% chance she will grow out of it without further treatment. She will be rechecked in two weeks.
Ready to go. John put them in order: Baby A, Baby B, and Baby C. Anna and Kate were asleep, but Elizabeth was awake and ready to see the world outside the NICU.
When we got home, we realized Elizabeth was still awake--she doesn't want to miss anything, but the two others have already seen this and were content to sleep through her homecoming.
Tonight will be our first night with the three girls. John is off work now for a while, so hopefully between the two of us we can manage them (and Jack too).
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