Friday, September 11, 2009

Dr.'s Appointment & Preschool Teachers

We took the girls to the doctor today. Anna's weight was great, she gained 3 ounces since her Tuesday appointment. She is now 4 lbs 10 oz. I started her back on the extra calories with her bottles which has helped. Kate had her first appointment with Dr. Kaczor. She has gained an ounce and a half since her discharge from the NICU on Wednesday. She is now 4 lbs. 4.5 oz. She is just a quarter inch shorter than Anna. She is now 18 inches. They are growing and eating better each day! Jack also was in the office and received a flu shot. With three in the office at once, I am glad our nanny, Madeleine was there to help me! She has been coming 4-5 hours a day and helping us out so much. Jack really loves her and asks every day if she is coming to play with him. Elizabeth's weight stayed the same today, but she had two great days of weight gain the previous two days. She weighs 3 lbs 9 oz. Yesterday the girls were 36 weeks and today they are 3 weeks old. It is crazy to think I could still be pregnant with them!

Today Jack's teachers came to the house to visit him before his preschool starts next week. He was a little timid at first, but I think he will do well in school. Next week the parents attend with the child to get them used to the classroom and school day. What a busy September!

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