Monday, September 7, 2009

Kate is Scheduled to Come Home Tomorrow

Kate is scheduled to come home tomorrow. They took her off the 24 calorie breast milk and is now on the 22 calorie. As long as she gains weight tonight, she will come home with us. She now weighs 4 lbs 2.5 oz. We are anxious to get her home, but it will be hard for me to visit Elizabeth with two others (plus Jack) at home. Today we were told Elizabeth will have to be 1800g (about 4 lbs) before she goes home. She is 1555g today (almost 3 lbs 7 oz.). So, we are thinking she may be there for at least another week. Of course, this could change when another neonatologist comes to her service! We keep hearing different things about when she will come home. For now, we want her to gain the weight and come home when she is a little larger.

Anna went to see her pediatrician today. She weighed 4 lbs 7 oz. and was 18 1/4" long. This is what she weighed on Saturday before she left the NICU. We will go back to the pediatrician on Friday for another weight check. Hopefully she will gain some weight, or we may have to increase her calories again. Otherwise she checks out fine.

That is all that is going on here, we are ready for Kate to come home.

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