Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Bottles. These have been such a pain from the start. Today, when I was making them, Madeleine suggested I take a picture of them. So, I did. Not that I think I will forget making them everyday, but mostly so the girls can someday see the process I took to feed them. I feel like I am doing some sort of science experiement (well, not anymore, I could make these in my sleep). It used to take me about 30 mintues to make them (as long as everything was washed and ready to go) plus probably 10 more minutes to clean up. Now, I think I could do them in about 20 mintues plus clean up. The hardest part about making bottles is the fact that it has to be done everyday and I don't have enough bottles to be able to run them through the dishwasher. I need to hand wash them so I can use them the next day. (John sometimes will wash them at night when I hint to him ;) Also, I can't make up a bunch of days in advance for the same reason, and also, the chemistry of mixing breastmilk and formula (only good for 24-48 hours). I used to label them all, but now I do the same thing each day so I could pick up any bottle in my refridge and know the day and time it was mixed just by where it is positioned. So, each night I wash twelve bottles, and each morning I mix up twelve bottles. And, it is always a relief to know the bottles are done. Only to start over again the next day.

I usually make them in the morning, so I sometimes have about a day and a half of bottles on my top shelf.

When John washes them, he lines up all the same pieces in rows--it is really cute. I just put them anywhere.

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