Sunday, March 28, 2010

Church--All Six of Us

We made it to mass today as a family. The girls have not gone since Christmas and have only been one other time other than Christmas. With winter coldness and all the germs, we have kept them home. John and I have been attending mass separately since they have been born, but decided it was time to start taking them and going as a family. We walked to church since it is only a few blocks and the girls then had their own seats (triple stroller) during mass. It was a little embarrassing bringing the stroller to the church, but since we live in a walking community, we have seen others bring in strollers, too. Just not a triple wide one. Oh, well, it is what it is. The girls were well behaved. No one fussed until near the guessed it...Elizabeth. She also did NOT fall asleep even though it was her nap time. The other two snoozed for a half an hour or so. At the begining of the mass I looked at John and asked him who he thought would cry first. Poor Elizabeth--we know her too well! But, considering it was a long mass, they did extremely well. We also had back up help--John's brother and family sat in the back with us in case we needed to make a quick exit. I really wish our church had a cry room! It is so nice to attend as a family. We got a few stares and many smiles and quite a few people had nice compliments. One old lady was brought to tears. I remember talking with another triplet mom about this, how many people are in awe--especially the elderly-- of the sight of triplets. I guess because triplets were so uncommon until recently. It really makes us appreciate our children and see them as precious gifts from God.

As we were walking out, we ran into Father Ken. Jack loves to call the priests, "Father". The stroller is quite a sight and as he was admiring the girls (who, Anna, by the way was giving him the biggest grins), Jack the chatterbox was, well, talking his ear off. The conservation went something like this:

FK "Wow, you must be a special big brother to have all these sisters."
J "I feed lots of babies."
FK "I bet you are a big helper."
J "Do you want to come over to our house?"
FK "I would love to come over."
J "Do you want to spend the night?"
FK "Well, I bet the beds in your house are filled."
J "You can sleep in my bed."
FK "How about I come over for a snack sometime."
J "Mama, Father wants to come and have a snack with me."

Tonight, Jack was asking John where Father lives. John was trying to tell him he lives next to the church and decided he would have to show him next Sunday. Funny kid.

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