Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First Trip to the Zoo

Today, I took the girls and Jack to the Brookfield Zoo. Thankfully, Aunt Sarah and Nicholas came with us. I realized that I would not be able to make this trip by myself and honestly, I am not quite sure when I will be able to venture out with all four kids without help! Jack is still young enough he needs a stroller when he gets tired and I can't push two! Sarah was a great help and the boys (and girls) had a great time.

I believe they were looking at the kangaroos

The girls were happy to get some fresh air
The boys ended up on the (very crowded) playground.

Funny thing about today. I swear now that I have multiples, I run into other moms with twins/triplets so often. Looking at the first animal today, I realized we were next to another mom pushing a stroller with twins. Then, at the playground, I acutally ran into the lady who sold us the triple stroller. She has 4 1/2 year old triplets (and 3 other children). She said she was glad to see the stroller is working out for us. I told her the stroller never got a break from this zoo, it has been coming there for the last 4 years! She got a kick out of seeing the girls for the first time. Also, on the way out of the zoo, we let the boys ride the carousel. While waiting in line, I realized the woman in front of us had twin girls (4 years) and we talked while we waited our turn. I, again, got many stares and comments on the girls (one guy actually asked if they were boys or girls...yikes, could they be dressed in any more pink?), but I realize that with my triple stroller, it is something I will have to get used to, or else never go out, right?

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