Thursday, March 4, 2010

Warmer Weather...Finally

We have been enjoying the warmer weather these last few days. Jack has been loving to play outside, especially riding is tricycle. It is funny, last summer he had a hard time pedaling and steering at the same time, but yesterday when he got on it for the first time since last fall, he rode it like he has been riding everyday for the last three months! I am not sure how he knew how to do this, maybe it is from the Fisher Price Smart Cycle that he got for his birthday, but he was like an old pro. In fact, he seems a little big for the trike (and I think he was a little small last summer--what a difference a year makes!). Today we went for a walk. I got out our stroller and put the two little girls on one side and Anna on the other. The two girls were a little squished, I think! They quickly fell asleep and we enjoyed the quiet walk. Jack rode is tricycle and we brought Carter along, of course.

I think Kate was asleep before we even left our driveway. Elizabeth screamed until we started moving.

Big boy Jack. We need to get his bike out for him to ride.
Kate before the walk

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