Saturday, March 20, 2010


Today, we started rice cereal with the girls. It was quite an experience. Unlike our first feeding with Jack, in which we could not get the spoon in his mouth fast enough, all three girls were not fond of the cereal. I sat in the middle of them and fed them from the same dish and spoon. They didn't seem to mind the wait between spoonfulls (I guess since they didn't like it to begin with). All three made faces. Kate spit everything out. Anna starting crying after a few rounds and was happy then with her pacifier. Elizabeth probably tolerated it the best, but didn't eagerly want more. I acutally threw away baby food. This is a first in our home-haha!

Waiting for the food
They all made faces like this
Elizabeth was happy after the meal
Anna was happy with her pacifier
Jack entertaining the girls after the meal
He can get all the girls to laugh!

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