Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Target Practice

I was brave today. I took a trip to Target with the girls. First time in two years. Decided it was time for them to be acquainted with the world of shopping and Target. I had to exchange socks for Jack, pick up some onesies for Elizabeth (I can't keep a diaper on her, she is constantly taking it off, hence the need for onesies. Plus it helps keep her pants up on her tiny waist.) and I picked up some candy corn that the girls cannot get enough of--me too :) I went right after taking Jack to school, around 8 this morning and the store was empty. Perfect in case of a meltdown. Had a few comments on the girls, of course. The girls were great. They loved the cart ride. All smiles from Anna and laughs from Kate. Elizabeth stood up a few times, but did OK, especially when I gave her the bag of candy corn to hold.

Baby steps...we are getting there slowly.

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