Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day and Weekend

 We had the Scudder family visit us this weekend and since their kids didn't have school today, they stayed with us an extra night. Jack was in his prime playing with Amy and Nicholas over the weekend. The girls enjoyed some outside time that they don't usually get with me alone. They loved their freedom and ability to roam around the yard. The weather was so beautiful, it made for a very nice weekend.

Kate has been obsessed with sunglasses lately, she is carrying around three pairs and wearing one.

Nicky and Anna

Elizabeth likes to run down the little hill in the front yard. Pure joy on her face!


Anna going down the slide. Erin caught them at the bottom.


Anna helping Carter come back to our yard.

waiting for turns

Margaret helping Elizabeth ride her car

Love this one of Nicky and Anna. I think Nicky misses the girls as much as he misses Jack. He was around the most after they were born because the older kids were in school full time. He (and Sarah) spent a lot of time helping me out with the girls and Jack.

Erin, Margaret and Nicky playing with the girls. Sadly, Jack was in school this time around, so he didn't get to play with them today.

Aunt Sue Sue, Erin and Sarah gave the girls a bath. I realized I don't have a picture of them in the tub because I still give them separate baths in the sink!

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