Monday, December 26, 2011

December 26: Christmas with Szczepanski's

Today, we had my siblings' and parents' Christmas. We had a lovely dinner first and then opened gifts. The girls actually took (read: needed) a nap, so presents was crazy, but a lot less crazy than it would have been for us. Once they woke up, they opened their gifts and it was nice that there wasn't much else going on so they concentrated on their own gifts. When they open their gifts, they would say, "Oh! A box" It was really cute. We had to show them how to open the boxes! After the gifts, we Skyped Sarah, John and Marie so we could do our annual Christmas party games. This year, we used our kids and my mom and dad did too. My parents had to "guess that grandchild" with our clues. It was fun.

The games. The computer has Sarah and John on it.

Jack answered Grandmom's question right so he got to choose an envelope.

After the long day, the girls and Alexa took a bath

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