Saturday, December 10, 2011

Grandmom and Granddad Visit

Grandmom and Granddad came to visit us this weekend and we had a good time. They came with us to Breakfast with Santa. John and I were able to get our Ohio Driver's license and also finish up the last minute Christmas shopping. The kids adore them so much. Anna's little eyes light up when she sees Granddad. My dad ended up staying a few extra days so I could get to Jack's Christmas program and also his 5 year check-up on Monday and Tuesday. My mom did quite a few little projects around our house which helps up out so much.

While we were out shopping, Jack called to tell us he won the basket of candy from the Breakfast with Santa. The kids had to answer a few questions and there was a drawing. He was so excited to win. The woman from the church said she would drop off the basket at 4:30 and he was counting down the hours until that time. What a fun thing for him to experience!

Kate kept saying, "Off-ee. hot."

John made the first fire of the year

Getting the basket of candy

John and Jack color in his new coloring book

We have to watch the girls with the fire this year. They say "hot," but I don't think they totally get it.

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