Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27: Christmas with the Scudders

We finally came upon Christmas party #4 with the Scudders. We don't see PeePaw and GeeMaw very much, so it was great to spend the day with them. The girls and Jack opened a few gifts first and they liked their new toys and clothes.

They each got a Leap Frog toy

Jack got crayons and markers that he immediately opened to use with Amy

Jack got a puzzle of the United States

Kate liked her computer!

Amy and Jack.

Dave and Mary Kay and Mark and Chris came over as well.

Erin playing with Anna nd Elizabeth. The older girls put pony tails in the girls' hair after Aunt Cindy gave them a bath. They loved their new dresses from PeePaw and GeeMaw

Jack, Nicholas and Amy played outside in the snow (there was just a dusting of snow), and had a great time!

As we were backing out of the driveway, Jack says, "Where do we open gifts tomorrow?" I guess after five straight days of parties, he thinks this doesn't stop!

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