Sunday, May 5, 2013

Communion Times Two...or Three

This weekend we had three first communions in three different states. We made it to two and missed one. It was a weekend of a lot of driving! But it was worth the drive to see everyone. We were sorry to miss Braden's on Sunday in Michigan.

On Saturday, Nicholas made his first communion. He was so handsome. It has been a while since we have visited our old stomping grounds, so it was nice to be there again. We stayed for a bit after the mass and then drove to Indiana for Amy's the next day. Unfortunately, Amy was sick! She made it through the mass and went to bed right after and missed most of her party. She stated to feel better in the afternoon, however and was able to open her gifts.

The kids ran like wild the entire weekend and had a blast!

I didn't get a lot of pictures, but here are two from Nicholas opening his gifts on Saturday.

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