Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jack's Race

This is the second year Jack ran the kids race the city of Cleveland does in conjunction with the marathon. It is just a 100 yard dash for his age, and frankly with the drive downtown, parking and wait it was a bit much. However, he was so excited to run and so proud after the race. I like to think that by signing him up for events like this we are instilling good habits when it comes to running/exercising. Last weekend, he asked to run with me to practice for his race and he ended up running two miles without stopping. Much improved from last summer when he ran a little here and there with me. His longest distance was a mile.

Before the race they were handing out care bear associated coloring books, headbands and other little toys.

Waiting for the 6 year olds to be called to the field

Waiting to run!

Ready, Set, GO!!

I videotaped the race, so here is Jack after--all smiles!

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