Saturday, May 25, 2013

Maria's Party

John came home for the first time in two weeks on Friday. On Saturday, we headed into Fort Wayne for the weekend. Maria had a birthday party in the afternoon. It was a beautiful day. The kids ran around outside most of the afternoon. The little girls played with all the "new" toys and also Maria's new birthday toys. The princess playhouse was a huge hit!


Birthday girl--can't believe she is four already...the oldest in the set of five girl cousins born in 2009 within three months of each other--it only means my girls will be four very soon!


Kate thought it was so funny to have Grandmom sit next to her in a little chair!

Aunt Julie gave Maria this play house and it was a huge hit! Love Julie's smile in this picture.


Mom informed us that someone always falls asleep at parties---guess she meant herself!

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